GCSE English Language has an endorsed component covering spoken language This endorsement is reported as a separate grade (Pass, Merit, Distinction or Not Classified) and will not contribute to the result of the GCSE English Language qualification You can find out more about the spoken language endorsement using the links below26/4/16 SPEAKING AND LISTENING TEST Passing the English speaking and listening test, is part of showing that you are ready to become a citizen or a permanent resident of the UK To apply for British Citizenship or Indefinite Leave to Remain you need to take a test at B1 level at a secure language centreThe Eduqas English Language GCSE provides the opportunity for flexible teaching approaches, with a specification designed to be highly accessible, broad and interesting With a wide range of set texts, learners develop their ability to read critically, write effectively and coherently, use grammar correctly and expand their vocabulary
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23/2/15 Opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills can be found in all units of GCSE English and GCSE English Language For example, when students are studying the reading texts for English Today, such as those on UK attractions, they could have a group discussion on the benefits of school visits to UK attractions for their interacting and responding taskThen find an angle or argument to focus on For example, here are two presentation titles, both about cats My favourite cats Cats are better than dogs The first title is personal and might beAQA GCSE English Functional Skills Speaking and Listening Feedback Sheet Subject English Age range 1416 Resource type Worksheet/Activity 5 1 review Jlteach's Shop 101 reviews Resources for AQA GCSE English Language 8700 and AQA Functional Skills English Level 2
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Fools because they have to say something" Plato Many can speak eloquent words whereas few take the time to listen and learn from others7/5/18 Model GCSE English Language speech (written) based on the title 'Why Society's negative portrayal of beauty needs retouching The pressure to be perfect' This essay was spoken as part of speaking and listening assessment and submitted for GCSE coursework and achieved A*GCSE English Speaking and Listening GCSE English Speaking and Listening Watch later Share Copy link Info Shopping Tap to unmute If playback doesn't begin shortly, try

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23/2/15 Opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills can be found in all units of GCSE English and GCSE English Language For example, when students are studying the reading texts for English Today, such as those on UK attractions, they could have a group discussion on the benefits of school visits to UK attractions for their interacting and responding task26/7/ You can show you are listening by making eye contact with the speaker and responding to what they say using body language to show cooperation and understanding , for example15/8/ During a role play, think about your voice facial expressions movement posture gesture For example, you might be asked to create and sustain a

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I did an English speaking exam for GCSE, so I am going to assume you're talking to something similar to that You want to pick a topic that interests you something you can talk about for ages from the top of your head I personally talked about the history of video games in my speaking assessment, how they came about and the first consoles1/3/19 Gcse english speaking exam examples Prepare yourself in preparation for the exam, prepare everything to support the success of the test with a few obstacles See some of the exam questions below that we have collected from various sourcesProfessional GCSE English Language teaching resources

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29/7/17 Use this differentiated and extensive resource to take your students through the GCSE Speaking and Listening Endorsement All the lessons have learning objectives and takes students through the process of writing a speechPedagogy ensure students are effectively prepared GCSE examinations and to support students beyond KS4?Overview of GCSE English/English Language Speaking and Listening by Wayne Powell, Senior Moderator

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Stemming from Beyond Debate, our dedicated speaking and listening group, you can choose from a range of GCSE speaking and listening topics in order to engage students and develop core skills1/5/19 For example, "It's raining men", "I'm feeling blue ", or "The weather was bitterly cold" Imagery Using words to make you imagine how they would affect your senses For example;Its super easy and it works everytime Gcse English Speaking Exam Examples

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AO9 Use spoken Standard English effectively in speeches and presentations How should we assess speaking and listening throughout KS4 to ensure students are able to succeed in GCSE examinations and to support students beyond KS4?26/7/ For example, in a conversation with friends whilst chatting about events at the weekend, you are likely to use a very different style of speaking and listening than you would in a formal discussionThought I would combine my feelings about anxiety and my english practice into one and made this video I hope you like it and respect my opinions

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English GCSE no longer includes coursework, but it does have a speaking and listening assessment, called the Spoken Language Endorsement ('SLE') Schools will not normally accept private candidates for this part of the GCSE, although private exam centres may Further and Highereducation establishments are generally just as happy with the regular IGCSE In schools, the speakingThis video is to help year 11's prepare for their GCSE speaking and listening examGCSE English Language for example, in current speaking and listening assessments Thirtyseven per cent of respondents disagreed, saying that three levels did not provide sufficient differentiation between students Others thought a passorfail approach would be appropriate

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22/6/21 As an English teacher, it seems a travesty that speaking and listening skills are not recognised in the accreditation, as things stand, in the GCSE English specifications Students receive a cursory "P" if they "pass" that does not appear on their exam certification and so motivation is not high in the context of working with a contentheavy reading and writingSpeaking and Listening Presentations A GCSE English Language component 35 minute presentation, followed by a short question and answer Awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction How will I be assessed?Speaking and Listening skills form an integral part of the broader aims of Cambridge IGCSE First Language English, which are reproduced here from the syllabus Yo u should always refer to the syllabus (for the year

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13/2/18 Your Speaking & Listening Presentation – The Introduction In our last blog, we suggested some ideal GCSE English Speaking and Listening topics for you to present In this, we focus on what you should say and the materials you need to14/3/18 Your Speaking & Listening Exam – The Main Body In this blog, we focus on what you should say and the materials you need to achieve 5 in the Main Body of your presentation Related blog Speaking and Listening Topics 13 Best for GCSE English Language Main Body AO9 – use spoken Standard English effectively in speeches and presentations For first teaching in September 15, GCSE English Language will have an endorsed component covering Spoken Language This endorsement has a number of features which distinguish it from most general qualifications components, in particular


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GCSE English Language will focus primarily on the functional aspects of language The term 'functional' here should be considered in the broad sense of providing learners with the skills and abilities they need to take active and responsible roles in their communities, everyday life, the workplace and in educational settings19/6/17 3 Speak for or against the motion, 'The death penalty should be reinstated' 4 You could discuss cruelty to animals in travelling circuses 5 You could discuss a particular culture or country that interests you 6 Speak for or against the motion, 'Homework should be banned' 7 Speak for or against the motion, 'Donald Trump is a corrupt president' 8 9 Considerations forSpeaking Listening Be sure you activate speaking Be sure you activate listening skills skills Set timing for the activity you Focus on one type of listening suggest preferably Account for authentic Focus on few aspects of listening activities speaking, don't try to cover Provide pre and post many listening Guarantee

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